Reflection saved me from my victim mindset
Reflection has 100% been the key.
Reflection has enabled me to step out of the victim mentality I was living in where life happened to me and shift into taking responsibility for my life, my choices and realize life happens for me by me.
It’s me now understanding from what place choices were made, what influenced them and filtering out what was me, my conditioning, fear, insecurity and the like.
And in all these years identifying the nature of the thoughts, I’ve also been working on shifting my mindsets, perspectives and actually caring for and nurturing my own person— my health, wellbeing, and ultimately understanding and accepting myself as I am.
I know I will always grow, but a huge part has been forgiving myself and understanding this is all part of the process.
I’m moving forward with openness and love, not only with others, but first and foremost for myself.
Getting very real and honest with myself. Going into the shadows. Embracing the light.
It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but also the most worthwhile.
It’s 100% why I am where I am today, and where much of it was painful and uncomfortable, it’s brought more clarity and fulfillment than anything else.
The perspective I have now compared to then is night and day.
Where I used to see life as happening to me, I now can see that I have power in my life and I’m understanding how to use that power and autonomy every day.
I’m learning to take responsibility for my experience, and because I am, my life is unfolding in a way that I never could have dreamt for myself.
All that used to have such a hold on me and my happiness (or lack of) is slowly fizzling away and now I’m more present, hopeful, and energized than ever. And it’s beautiful.
I’m here for the unfolding.