Our power is in our choices
Every day is an opportunity at a new start, a new beginning, slowly honing it until we’re living in a way that makes us feel like our life is ours and what we want it to be.
The movie Groundhog Day takes on such a new dimension for me now. I understand that life is about iteration, about learning from the day before and making slight alterations that over time bring us to a new reality entirely.
Life can be beautiful, and so much of the level of beauty we experience lies in our hands.
It’s a tough pill to swallow in actuality. It’s much easier to say this is just how things are or this is just me and this is life, but if we’re willing to take responsibility, we realize we have a lot more say in our lives than we may have previously thought— that our direction is very much tied to the choices we make for ourselves.
We realize too, that our main power lies in the little daily choices we make, because those are what add up to create the bigger changes. And they might be slow and hard to see, but then in hindsight— that’s where you see how it all adds up.
And that is why reflection is so important.