Better now than never

It’s been 2-weeks since I’ve gone live with my site.

My Intention vs. Reality

My intention was to post daily, starting a cumulation of my insights, travels, experiences, interests, etc. What I get caught up in is overthinking. Everything. What if I were to just produce. What would happen if I just shared.

I’m trying to figure out…

What’s keeping me in this loop

The answer to that, seems to be discipline. Or self-value worth. Even as I write this, it’s me again analyzing rather than just doing. Although this post itself could be considered doing. But what I really want is to create new things. So in an effort to do that, I’m going change things up a bit to create new things!

Try something different

I’ve done a lot of prepping, so now it might be high time to do. Now if you’ve been with me for a while, you’d also know I’ve said this before. I know it all takes practice. So I’ll try to keep in mind being easier on myself, but also following through for myself. So here we go, to what I wish I’d started months ago when this journey began. That I’m also being gentle with myself for the time that’s passed from first having the thought. The only thing to do now, is bring it to life!

It all starts now

I’ve heard before, if you can dream it you can do it. And what is time anyways— I hear it’s a construct. And if we run with that premise then who really cares if it was then or now, the fact is that it is. So, here’s to what this was intended to be. What it is intended to be. To what wants to be brought to life.



This is 32 ❤︎


The site is LIVE!