I’m finding life works in cycles

The more I pay attention &
connect with my feelings,
the more I’m noticing—

‘Hey, I’ve felt this before.’

When I identify the circumstances when I last felt this way, I’m realizing so many of the feelings lately were feelings I felt from when I was 19-21 years old. Now during that time, I experienced a massive split. I was coming into my own, expressing, being myself… and then cut it short. I followed the path that others set out before me, rather than choosing the path that I was feeling innately pulled toward.

It was a time where I was majorly led more with my head and hardly in touch with my heart. I recognize the feelings I’m feeling now are the same as when I was faced with the choices and scenarios I was in then.

Where the circumstances now have changed slightly and the options for direction quite similar, the main essence is the same. And it feels almost as though— I’ve been given a second chance.

I can see how leading with my head and allowing others power over my choices turned out through my life experience since then. Now I’m pondering what if I choose myself this time?

This is what I’m setting out to explore.

That mission is my life right now—

To apply everything I’ve learned &
see how it all plays out.

I’m starting to recognize where I’d given up power and autonomy over my life. It’s been both insightful and challenging to be confronted with all the areas.

It’s interesting now to be able to see where I do have choice and imagine how things might turn out differently this time.

It’s uncomfortable to face, yet absolutely beautiful— because I never thought I’d have a second chance to do things differently. And now I see, I absolutely do.

So now the question & experiment is— What will my life look like when I choose my own wants, needs, and desires without allowing others to have more influence in my life than I myself give to me?

I’m set on exploring this new territory.

Thank the royal you for guiding me here. The time is now— seeing where the path of me leads and discovering what this new direction can bring and teach along the way.

Fill thy own cup.
Share what overflows.

with love. xoxo


Hindsight is 20/20 in all it’s bittersweetness


A poem called Me&True